Payments with Bizum

Very simple procedure:
In your order box select " Pay with BIZUM, VISA, MASTERCARD, Google Pay, Apple Pay "

On the review and pay screen press "Pay now"

You will access the payment screen where it gives you the option to pay with Bizum, Gpay or Apple pay and bank card. If you want to pay with Bizum, press the "MONEI PAY bizum" box

On the next screen, enter your phone number where you have activated payment with Bizum

You have 5 minutes to verify the operation with the online banking application on your phone where you have activated the bizum payment service.

When you authorize the operation with your phone, you will receive an informative message on your terminal informing you that you have authorized the operation.

Finally you will reach the order confirmation screen where you will see a summary of the entire order, this screen will be sent to your email. Remember that when the order leaves our facilities you will receive a second email with the tracking number of your order so that you know at all times where your order is.